Embedding With Lendica: The Perfect Opportunity in Today’s Financial Landscape

By Jared Shulman

May 22, 2023

In a rapidly evolving financial climate where traditional banks are falling short on lending, tech companies are presented with an opportunity to help. Embedding lending into SMB platforms, such as marketplaces, vertical SaaS, and tech-enabled distributors, can provide an efficient, elegant solution to this growing concern. We discuss some of the major benefits to adding an embedded lending stack in today’s market.

A Gap in the Market

The primary driver in the current financial landscape is the reluctance of banks to lend. Banks’ reticence has left hundreds of thousands of businesses with inadequate resources to navigate these challenging times. By embedding a lending solution into your customers workflow, you are signaling to your clients that you care about their concerns. Importantly, because Lendica is both the technology provider and the balance sheet, you can be rest ensured that capital continues to flow directly to your customers, filling the gap left by traditional banks.

The world’s most powerful, versatile, all-around-good-time-of-an embedded lending platform.

Additional Revenue Streams

As we’re faced with a challenging economic climate, we have found many software businesses looking to explore new ways to generate revenue. Integrating lending solutions into existing platforms introduces a new revenue stream with limited technology spend. By embedding Lendica’s lending solutions, technology companies can quickly stand up a lending solution – typically in two to four weeks. The income earned from loan origination fees and interest can diversify revenue streams and strengthen the bottom line to face difficult market head on.

Enhancing User Experience

User experience is key to success in the tech industry. By offering a seamless lending process, companies can significantly improve their user experience. With Lendica, users won’t have to switch between different platforms to access lending services. Instead, they’ll find everything they need in one place – a one-stop-shop approach that greatly enhances user convenience.

The current economic landscape presents a perfect opportunity for tech companies to explore embedded lending. With traditional banks shying away from lending and businesses seeking ways to remain resilient, integrating a lending solution like Lendica can be a game-changer. It empowers customers, boosts revenues, enhances user experience, and above all, it fills a critical gap in the market, making this a perfect time to embed with Lendica.